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Philosophical Notes: Music for the Season and the Breakthrough of Streaming

Philosophical Notes: Music for the Season and the Breakthrough of Streaming

I have argued before that music streaming is the big breakthrough in high-end audio of the last decade. Or longer. This is because streaming, and the subscription pricing model it engenders, creates a zero marginal cost situation that significantly lowers the deterrents to test-driving new music. Why not try something new? The cost is purely time, once you’ve paid the entry fee. The significance lies in bringing more, different and engaging music into your life.

In the spirit of leveraging this breakthrough, I asked Pete Trewin, publisher of Hi-Fi+, for some recommendations of Christmas choral music. Pete is a chorister at Salisbury Cathedral in England and attended Oxford. Here is what he told me:

“Oxford and Cambridge Choirs have something of a friendly competition, but there are great choirs at both. You have to think in terms of Colleges, not the whole university though. In addition to King’s College, Cambridge, I recommend New College, Oxford. The other important one is Magdalen College Oxford.  Also look up Keble College – I sang there under Philip Stopford – he was Director of Music at Christchurch Bronxville until recently.  Keble now have Paul Brough as their MD – who was my MD when I was a chorister at Tewkesbury Abbey ages 7-13.

Related to this general view, some pieces of music which I would encourage you to seek out this Christmas time, if you don’t already know them:

The Lamb – John Tavener – very haunting piece using only 7 notes – https://tidal.com/browse/track/11783092

Es ist ein Ros entsprungen – Traditional Carol – but seek out the Sandstrom arrangement – https://tidal.com/browse/track/77617502

O Magnum Mysterium – Lauridsen – https://tidal.com/browse/track/96955691

A Spotless Rose – Howells – https://tidal.com/browse/track/19507138

In fact – whilst looking these up I came across the Roon Christmas Carol album – https://tidal.com/browse/playlist/a49824a6-318e-4d37-9151-a4159e7959d7 – most of the pieces on there I would recommend. That looks like a splendid album!”

The staffs at The Absolute Sound and Hi-Fi+ wish you a joyous holiday season. Hope these ideas help.


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